Bring your Beginner’s mind to a Drawing class

Beginners Drawing Class Dublin

Is it time to try a Beginners Drawing class? Yesterday I was reading an interesting article that talks about reducing stress through art creation. It’s kinda funny that it starts off by saying – “whether you’re the next Van Gogh or a stick figure sketcher”  – do ya think the writer might have been talking about our lovely Act The Maggot logo designed by yours truly?! Thus, research suggests that just 45 minutes of art creation can reduce ‘cortisol’ levels – which are an indicator of stress in our systems. We, at Act The Maggot thrive on bringing people back to this place, whether it is Beginners Drawing or Beginners Acting or Beginners Creative Writing.

Benefits of Doing a Drawing Class

Remember when you were a child how much drawing you did? In school, at home, with friends. That silent engagement with the page and pencils, markers, coloured pencils or paint. As a result, we need to open that doorway to our imaginations and the endless possibilities of the unconscious realm. Our teacher Mahua can lead you right back to that peaceful, fun place.

“When I’m drawing, time stops. It’s just the lines on paper and my hand holding the tool.”

Mahua Le Meur is a visual artist, who has been living in Dublin, Ireland for the past 8 years. Indian by birth, she has always been interested in traveling and multiculturalism. She has lived in South Korea, Japan and France for more than 15 years. During her career, she has worked with oils and acrylics, inks and graphite as well as training in Japanese woodcut printing. mahuaDrawing however, has always been her primary passion. Her recent work has been in drawing with Japanese sumi ink on paper. Therefore, she uses her own hands as metaphors for the abstract field of connections. One can see some of these works at her upcoming exhibition in May, 2019 at the Icon Factory Atelier in Temple Bar.

Bring your Beginner’s Mind to a Drawing Class

Mahua teaches our Beginners Drawing at Act The Maggot – the next one starts on Tuesday night, March 5th, 2019. For some more information, see our Beginners Drawing class page on our website or get in touch for more details.


Get out of your comfort zone! Booking now open for all three of our Spring courses.

screen-shot-2018-02-16-at-17-48-07“Act the Maggot took me to a place I haven’t been since I was a child. A place of pure joy. You meet great people from all walks of life and form firm friendships. I got to express myself in a way that I could never do in any conventional adult learning scenario and it made me feel like I was 10 feet tall.” – Shane Lynam, Director,


Try one of our signature beginner classes and you won’t regret it! Always been curious about the acting game? Try our six week Thursday night class in Beginners’ Acting for Adults starting March 22. quote4-wFond of developing story-lines and characters but don’t know how to get started with a writing project or just haven’t developed a good discipline? Try our six week class Tuesday night class in Beginners’ Creative Writing.

Or have you always liked drawing or just want to try it out? It’s a fantastic way to unwind and relax. Try our six week Tuesday night class in Beginners’ Drawing.

Life drawing #pencil

Life drawing #pencil

At Act The Maggot – everyone is a beginner!! Some of our maggots have tried all three at different times of the year. Take a look around and make up your mind. We answer queries at

Read fresh testimonials! Join us in 2018

IMG_2801“Act the Maggot was a wonderful addition to my week. I enjoyed every class and learned a lot as I let my creative side free. Thank you.”

“I was very satisfied with the level 1 acting course. It had what I was hoping for – taking me outside of my comfort zone, meeting fun people and having the craic.”


“It was fantastic, really well spread out and the increase in difficulty each week was great as it really took me out of my comfort zone.”

“It was brilliant. Fun and learned lots.”

“Enjoyed the experience, meeting lovely people in a playful environment.”

For more information on new beginners acting, drawing or creative writing classes in 2018, click on each hyperlink and drop us an email – Yes! There are places available. We will put on extra courses to satisfy demand. Happy Christmas one and all!


Drawing is so much fun!


This gallery contains 7 photos.

All sorts of wonderful drawing came out of our recent Beginner’s Drawing class in Rathmines. It’s so much fun learning to make art using just pencils, charcoal and the odd coloured pencil or marker! Such a relaxing way to spend a … Continue reading

Learning to Draw is so much fun and more relaxing than we realised




screen-shot-2017-05-31-at-09-46-44We had such a great time in the Beginners Drawing class. So sad it is over. What a lovely relaxing time of a Tuesday. This is one hobby worth keeping. Next course will be in September. For more information about this contact us at #drawing #art #mindfulness #relaxation #perspective #humans