Vision Boards really do work

vision boardVision Boards
You may have heard of these things called vision boards. You may be interested in learning how to make your own vision board. They are fantastic tools for focus and goal-setting. You can use pictures of places you would like to travel, your favourite car, dream lover, your dream body, your business goals, inspirational quotes, pictures of friends and family. Basically, anything that you love. For more information on how to make vision boards take a look at this article I published on Linkedin

Oprah Winfrey uses vision boards
Did you know that Oprah Winfrey uses vision boards?

“The media mogul, who pulled herself up from poverty to become one of the wealthiest women in the world, might be one of the biggest celebrity supporters of affirmations.

Her commitment started young: As a child watching her grandmother toil away, Winfrey says she’d tell herself over and over again: “My life won’t be like this. My life won’t be like this, it will be better.”

Besides frequently showcasing success stories of positive thinking on The Oprah Winfrey Show — and even discussing creating her own vision boards to realize her dreams — her many words of wisdom to fans include: “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe“.

Arnold Schwarzenegger also uses the power of visualization.
As a young athlete, Schwarzenegger swore by the power of visualization to reach his bodybuilding goals.

“I had this fixed idea of growing a body like Reg Park’s. The model was there in my mind; I only had to grow enough to fill it,” he explained. “The more I focused in on this image and worked and grew, the more I saw it was real and possible for me to be like him.”

Later, when he transitioned to careers in acting and politics, Schwarzenegger said he employed similar mental tricks: “It’s the same process I used in bodybuilding: What you do is create a vision of who you want to be — and then live that picture as if it were already true.

Read how actor Jim Carrey motivates himself
To stay motivated, actor Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for “acting services rendered,” dated it for 1994, and carried it in his wallet for daily inspiration. In 1994, Carrey learned he would reap exactly $10 million for his role in Dumb and Dumber.

Want to make a vision board with us?
Join our Weekend Retreat, May 17-19th, 2019. Form more information click here

vision board

Beginners Creative Writing, Acting, Drawing – Newsletter

dotGreetings friends, followers and maggots (old, new and future),
We’ve had a crazy year with beginners creative writing, acting, drawing, mindfulness, public speaking, role-playing, team-building, moving all these classes to a new building and that’s not even mentioning all the actor showcases we produced! I’ve decided to write an annual round up of where we are, what we’ve been up to and what we have planned for 2019. Next Thursday, we will host our final Showcase of 2018 – the fruits of the long awaited Level 3 Scene Study class – and nerves are running high I can tell you! It’ll be a great night and a few beverages will be had afterwards at Christmas Drinks.

New Friday Night and Weekend plans 2019
In 2019, we will re-introduce the monthly Friday Night Improv sessions for seasoned maggots. We will also host a Mindfulness and Creativity weekend away retreat (March) as well as some really cool Saturday half day (€25) and all day (€50) workshops in Imrprovisation, Character, Casting, Audition technique, Mindfulness, Drawing, Short Story and Flash Fiction. Keep an eye on our website for info and social media links for all our super early bird offers.

New Internship Programme
internNext year we are introducing a new Internship programme. It’s fairly straight forward. In exchange for taking a free course you put up some posters and do social media as well as set up the rooms and complete 30 minutes of reception work each night of the course you sign up for. Click on this internship link and have a read and see what courses/dates interest you. As I write this, Internship 1 and 5 and possibly 3 have been snapped up. So there is one Tuesday(Internship 4) and one Thursday(Internship 2) still available!

Finalised Courses for 2019 – click on link for course that interests you
Beginners Acting Level 1 – Jan 31 to Mar 7, 2019
Beginners Acting Level 2 – Feb 7 to Mar 14, 2019
Beginners Acting Level 3 – Mar 28 to May 9, 2019
Beginners Acting Level 4 – devising a play – May 16 to June 27, 2019
(open to graduates of Level 3 and previous Level 4 maggots)
Effective Public Speaking – Mar 5 to Apr 9, 2019
Beginners Creative Writing – Mar 5 to Apr 9, 2019
Beginners Drawing – Mar 5 to Apr 9, 2019
There will be more Beginner Acting Level 1 throughout the year and more Drawing and Creative Writing and Public Speaking in September.

2018 Highlights
screen-shot-2018-11-30-at-10-20-49In 2018, we moved all our classes to Chapterhouse Education on Middle Abbey street which has been a great success and has enabled us to grow and develop new courses such as Level 4 Acting, Effective Public Speaking and a new level 2 Drawing class is in the works. We were also able to give something back for the first time ever on Culture Night 2018 – we flung open the doors and ran free classes all night – nearly 100 people tried it out! Watch this video we posted on Twitter about the free mindfulness session.

private-conversationspublic-transportIn June, we devised and wrote our very first play called Private Conversations Public Transport with the Level 4 group which was so much fun to do and was a really satisfying experience. We will run another Level 4 before the summer. With just 6 short weeks to improvise and come up with a show – the maggots really pulled out the stops and developed some hilarious characters and scenarios reflecting contemporary Dublin on the Luas. In fairness, they did lots of extra rehearsals to get it tight by the show date and I was extremely proud of their achievement. The audience response was brilliant.

Our tutors
In September, we bade farewell to Sarah Hone who now works for Ali Coffey casting. Any of you who are serious about getting commercial work, send a current headshot and CV out to her ASAP! We welcomed the brilliant Darren Yorke who is now over the Level 1 class and has been introducing maggots to all sorts of wonderful from his extensive improvisation knowledge having spent two years with a major Improv Troupe in Canada. We are really lucky to have him. Our creative writing tutor Niall McArdle won first prize in this year’s Penguin/RTE Guide Short Story competition and was shortlisted once again for the Hennessy Writers’ Competiton. Well done to him. Our drawing tutor Mahua LeMeur continues to turn out amazing work with ink and paint at her studio in Temple Bar and is busy developing a Level 2 class for next year.

Media and Corporate Developments
Act The Maggot was featured in the September 12 issue of the Dublin Inquirer – nice to get a mention and thanks to our maggots Shane and Irina who were interviewed. We also introduced a 20% discount corporate friends rate which has been taken up by many maggots who have recommended and introduced our team-builidng Improv, Mindfulness or Drawing sessions to their workplaces – yes – we want the whole country to experience the joy of Act The Maggot!

Mental Health
Act The Maggot is also thrilled to have won a tender for the second year running to design and deliver a 12-week course covering Drama, Movement and Creative Writing to DCU Recovery College. This a great new organisation operating in Dublin, Meath and Louth so if you know anyone struggling with mental health issues let them know about it. They run really varied courses all year round and they are virtually free. There are also opportunities to get involved with their talks or help put together their newsletter.

I’d like to thank you all for joining us, returning to us and for telling your friends and colleagues about us. We are nothing without your continued support and great “word of mouth”. Also, many thanks to Leanne Geaney for her support as our very first intern – who stayed with us so long she managed to complete three levels of Acting. We wish her the very best of luck.

hofeckinhoAs it’s Christmas – this is a shout out to a small, interesting new company called Trustwordie in Wexford designing the quirkiest cards ever. You can buy them online and their Christmas and New Year range are available now. You should definitely find something to make someone chuckle!

That’s all for now from Act The Maggot folks, if you got as far as here, you deserve a medal! Hope to see you at the Christmas Drinks. Have a cosy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Warm regards,

“A day without laughter, is a day wasted.”

Charlie Chaplin

Fun internship for 2019


Have you ever considered an doing an internship? Do you possess the Three Es to go with our Three Cs? At Act The Maggot we focus on Confidence, Creativity and Communication. We are delighted to announce a new Internship initiative for 2019. Are you Enthusiastic, Efficient and Engaging? Do you want to have fun while gaining invaluable experience working for a hip arts organisation? Better yet, do you want to try a course in any of the following for FREE: Public Speaking, Drawing, Creative Writing or Acting? We are on the look out for three amazing interns for Thursdays and two for Tuesdays in early 2019.

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” Swami Sivananda

Each internship will be for an 8-week duration and will involve social media, marketing, old school postering in city centre and reception duties one night a week for the duration of the course you choose to take! Take a look at the following dates and see if you can Act The Maggot around your schedule. There is no age limit to this offer. We want enthusiastic, efficient and engaging interns to join our family.

Internship 1/Marketing begins Jan 17 then Thursday nights 7pm-10pm: Jan 31 to March 7, 2019
Internship 2/Marketing begins Feb 28 then Thursday night 7pm-10pm: March 14 to April 18, 2019
Internship 3/Marketing begins Feb 21 then Tuesday night 7pm-10pm: March 5 to April 9, 2019
Internship 4/Marketing begins Feb 21 then Tuesday night 7pm-10pm: March 5 to April 9, 2019
Internship 5/Marketing begins April 25 then Thursday night 7pm-10pm: May 9 to June 13, 2019

In return for your help, you will be welcome to take a course of your choice completely free. On Thursdays you can take Beginners’ Acting and on Tuesdays you can take Public Speaking, Beginners’ Drawing or Beginners’ Creative Writing. Make sure to roam around our website and social media links for details.

Start following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram today – then send us your CV (please include your social media handles) and request which of the 5 internships you want and why – to – application deadline is Friday December 7, 2018.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” Steve Jobs

Evening classes all go on MiddleFab Street

eveningWhat a buzz we have created with our evening classes in town! We’ve been having a major maggoty Autumn on Middle Abbey street! There’s been heaps of new maggots and old ones breaking out of their comfort zones, exploring their creativity and generally having a super time in our evening classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our Tuesday night Public Speaking class has come on leaps and bounds and next week they will put their new skills to the test with full on speechifying. level2Our Thursday night Level 2 maggots took to the stage last week and did a fantastic job preparing and delivering an entertaining mix of serious and comedic monologues in front of a live audience. Our creative writers are scribbling away next door to the artists who are learning the rudiments of drawing and rumour has it some sort of collaboration between the two classes is emerging. screen-shot-2017-11-08-at-12-37-07See what happens when all these creative souls mingle? Last night a whole new crop of beginner maggots got together and hopefully those first night nerves have been put to bed forever and it’ll be plain sailing from here on in. We also began our Level 3 Scene Study class and finally cast everyone and had our first read through this week. Now this is one showcase that should not be missed – especially because we’ll be having our Act The Maggot annual Christmas drinks on the same night!

“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.”

[MovieMaker Magazine #53 – Winter, January 22, 2004 ]”
― Jim Jarmusch

Draw out the fun in yourself this Autumn

tootoot Act, Write or Draw! It’s playtime folks! Here’s your chance to tap into your inner maggot, er sorry your inner child. Have lots of fun trying out new hobbies or rekindling your love of old ones having let life get in the way. Our previous students from our Beginners Drawing, Beginners Creative Writing and Beginners Acting classes have lots to say about how Act The Maggot has impacted on their everyday lives, from feeling lighter, more creative, more social and even noticing these benefits while at work!

“Act the maggot took me to a place I haven’t been since I was a child. A place of pure joy. You meet great people from all walks of life and form firm friendships. I got to express myself in a way that I could never do in any conventional adult learning scenario and it made me feel like I was 10 feet tall.”
– Shane Lynam, Director,
So come try it out. It might be hard to get a place but we are worth that waiting list. What’s all the rage this Autumn is our new Drawing class and our consistently popular Creative Writing and Acting classes. All of them are geared towards the beginner.

“You spend so much time laughing that you don’t realise until the end of the course how much change has taken place and how much inhibition has been shed.”
– Grainne Daly, Enterprise ireland

If you’d like to know more about the story and genesis of Act The Maggot – read about it in the Dublin Inquirer. If you want to sign up for our next courses in Drawing, Creative Writing, Acting or Public Speaking please drop us an email to – you can see all the relevant info about each class on their links.

“For anyone giving a speech, a presentation, or talking in public, I would really recommend ‘Act The Maggot.’ Amy made it much much easier than I could ever have imagined. This course certainly made me feel a whole lot better and no longer do I have that sense of dread or fear.” Shane Donohoe – former student.
wedding speech

Poetry, sizzling summer festivals and screenwriting!

billy-collinsI have revised my love for the American poet Billy Collins. Now I adore him. I’ve been working on a personal project this summer which has been consuming a lot of my attention. I am writing writing writing all the time but now I am dedicating my free time to learning the craft of screenwriting. I never forget my true love – poetry – the origin of all great writing and theatre. I’m feeling very fortunate to have stumbled upon the great teaching talent that is Mary Kate O Flanagan. Now there is a person who understands story on the screen. Discussing her work would require another post – or several – which I will get to. Here’s her own website if you are curious. Anyways, earlier in June, I was down at the Festival of Ideas and Writing in Borris, Co. Carlow and I was over the moon the finally hear and see and eventually meet the great poet Billy Collins. As I have most recently been studying story structure his poem Aristotle is so fitting. Have a read.

Aristotle by Billy Collins

This is the beginning.
Almost anything can happen.
This is where you find
the creation of light, a fish wriggling onto land,
the first word of Paradise Lost on an empty page.
Think of an egg, the letter A,
a woman ironing on a bare stage
as the heavy curtain rises.
This is the very beginning.
The first-person narrator introduces himself,
tells us about his lineage.
The mezzo-soprano stands in the wings.
Here the climbers are studying a map
or pulling on their long woolen socks.
This is early on, years before the Ark, dawn.
The profile of an animal is being smeared
on the wall of a cave,
and you have not yet learned to crawl.
This is the opening, the gambit,
a pawn moving forward an inch.
This is your first night with her,
your first night without her.
This is the first part
where the wheels begin to turn,
where the elevator begins its ascent,
before the doors lurch apart.
This is the middle.
Things have had time to get complicated,
messy, really. Nothing is simple anymore.
Cities have sprouted up along the rivers
teeming with people at cross-purposes—
a million schemes, a million wild looks.
Disappointment unshoulders his knapsack
here and pitches his ragged tent.
This is the sticky part where the plot congeals,
where the action suddenly reverses
or swerves off in an outrageous direction.
Here the narrator devotes a long paragraph
to why Miriam does not want Edward’s child.
Someone hides a letter under a pillow.
Here the aria rises to a pitch,
a song of betrayal, salted with revenge.
And the climbing party is stuck on a ledge
halfway up the mountain.
This is the bridge, the painful modulation.
This is the thick of things.
So much is crowded into the middle—
the guitars of Spain, piles of ripe avocados,
Russian uniforms, noisy parties,
lakeside kisses, arguments heard through a wall—
too much to name, too much to think about.
And this is the end,
the car running out of road,
the river losing its name in an ocean,
the long nose of the photographed horse
touching the white electronic line.
This is the colophon, the last elephant in the parade,
the empty wheelchair,
and pigeons floating down in the evening.
Here the stage is littered with bodies,
the narrator leads the characters to their cells,
and the climbers are in their graves.
It is me hitting the period
and you closing the book.
It is Sylvia Plath in the kitchen
and St. Clement with an anchor around his neck.
This is the final bit
thinning away to nothing.
This is the end, according to Aristotle,
what we have all been waiting for,
what everything comes down to,
the destination we cannot help imagining,
a streak of light in the sky,
a hat on a peg, and outside the cabin, falling leaves.
Our next beginners creative writing class begins on September 25, 2018. Read more about it.

Book into next Beginners Acting. Hurry!

tootootEmail us at or call/text 087 3744926 if you want to join our next class starting May 10th. Read more here. You can take an acting class at any stage of your life. Whether you are eighteen or fifty-eight! The benefits are enormous. Get out of your comfort zone and have fun this summer with our flagship Beginners’ Acting class in city centre! Every week for six weeks, join a bunch of like-minded people and have heaps of laughs tapping into your creativity in ways you have totally forgotten. Most people say it’s such a tonic allowing yourself to play and have craic in a safe, respectful environment. There are only two more courses running before we take our summer break. The next course starts next Thursday, May 10th and runs until June 14th! After that there will be one final course starting on June 28th and finishing up on August 2.

Here are just some of the comments from previous maggots.

“Act the maggot took me to a place I haven’t been since I was a child. A place of pure joy. You meet great people from all walks of life and form firm friendships. I got to express myself in a way that I could never do in any conventional adult learning scenario and it made me feel like I was 10 feet tall.”
– Shane Lynam, Director,

“I signed up to Act the Maggot to try something a bit different, I wanted to venture into the wilderness beyond my comfort zone but I soon found that I was totally comfortable outside of my comfort-zone. Act the Maggot just expands your comfort zone so that’s all there is. Classes like this are only ever as good as the person running them – luckily Amy is super fun, a master at her craft and really down-to-earth. She has a way of getting you to do things you wouldn’t usually do and she does it in such a way that it’s not scary at all. Everyone in the class was really friendly and willing to throw themselves into the thick of it. If you’re looking for a lot of laughs and a weekly holiday from reality this course will be perfect for you!”
– Alice Walsh, Librarian, Getty Images

“I would highly recommend the course to anyone who is looking to get an enjoyably informative and casual introduction to acting! Act the Maggot gives you a little taste of acting and public speaking while working as a medium through which you can meet some really interesting and really nice people that you would never meet otherwise! It definitely left me dying to try the next class and see what else Act the Maggot has to offer!”
– Sharon Moorhouse, TV3

Email us at or call/text 087 3744926

Beginners Acting class go on stage for first time!

lev2-may3They knocked it out of the park! Yes. Our Level 2 Acting class took their polished monologues to the stage last night to a rapt and appreciative audience. They had shown up to class and worked consistently over the past five weeks and that imagination and effort definitely paid off. It was hard to believe that for most of them, it was their very first time to perform in front of a live audience. Although their hearts were all rattling around inside their chests – the audience was none the wiser – they got rounded characters with great stories to tell. Well done all. We were sorry that a number of classmates, due to work or health issues were not able to take part in the showcase. They were missed. They can always hop onto the September Level 2 class. It is wonderful to watch the transformation of these students.  They arrive as complete beginners. Most of them start out even a little intimidated or shy! Yes. Hard to believe. But the metamorphosis that takes place is beautiful to see. The foundation of the six week Beginners Acting class has given them a clear understanding of what is expected in order to work towards a first time performance.  Then in just five short weeks they get themselves ready to take the stage with a memorised and fully rehearsed character. Really well done to all of them. The audience feedback was excellent. Definitely looking forward to seeing how these maggots develop in Level 3. If you think acting is something you might like to try, get in touch. Maggots come for a myriad of reasons. Some sign up to learn the rudiments of acting, others join us to develop confidence for public speaking engagements, others for the social aspect. One thing is for sure, that everyone comes to laugh and act the maggot once a week for a few hours. Take a look around the website and read our testimonials

If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at

“Create” your way to better mental health this summer

img_4446.jpgSometimes it can feel that becoming well again and staying well is all hard work and no fun at all. “Eat well, exercise, sleep early, take your meds, don’t drink too much alcohol, tea or coffee, avoid noisy, loud places – learn to meditate and how to stand on your head or do the downward dog!! Are you tired of being so serious about minding your mental health? Do you feel like having some fun? The road to recovery can be a winding, challenging journey but it can be an enjoyable one too, when shared with peers. Remembering how to act the maggot again can be an integral part of your recovery. Build confidence and have fun tapping into your creativity with this 6-week course. During this Drama for Self Esteem course you will explore gentle, fun drama exercises in a safe, relaxed environment. Simple mindfulness tools will also be incorporated into each session. Confidentiality and mutual respect is important in order to build group trust so participants can learn, have fun and really enjoy themselves. Limited places.nido2
Drama for Self Esteem – Lantern Centre, Dublin. See googlemaps

Thursdays 2pm – 4pm – May 10 to June 14, 2018   – €150 per person.

Participants can be any age as long as they are over 18!
Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring water.

N.B. This course is recommended to compliment your current wellness treatment plan. While the benefits may be therapeutic, this course is not intended as a replacement for any form of therapy. If the idea of signing up for this course excites you more than it scares you (a little bit of fear is good!) and you feel you are able for the social aspect, get in touch. Maybe you can seek the advice of your counsellor, GP, family or friends. If you feel you are not up to taking part right now, that’s ok too. Don’t rush yourself. Be kind and patient with yourself. This course will happen again.

Who is this course for?
Mental Health Therapists ◆ Psychologists Social Workers, Teachers ◆ University Lecturers ◆ Psychotherapists ◆ Medical Doctors ◆ Nurses ◆ Carers ◆ Healers ◆ Art Therapists ◆ Students ◆ Psychiatrists ◆ Psychiatric Nurses ◆ Mental Health Nurses ◆ Support Workers ◆ Counsellors ◆ Clinical Managers ◆ Holistic Therapists ◆ Parents ◆ Facilitators ◆ Coaches ◆ Drugs Project Workers ◆ Social Workers ◆ and anybody who wants to empower and support their own or someone else’s Health and Healing.

Drama for Self Esteem will take place on Thursday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm – May 10 to June 14, 2018 in the

Zephyr Room,
Lantern Centre,
15 Synge St.,
Dublin 8, Ireland
See googlemaps

For more information or to book your place please contact

The act of writing by hand engenders true mindfulness

quote1-w“The Creative Writing course with Act the Maggot opened my mind to the world of words. I have always written creatively and this course made my writing better and gave me a better sense of what and how I write. Thanks to the teacher, we were able to explore the art of writing and poetry in depth. ”
Testimonial from Marluce Lima, student from January 2018 group

The following is an extract from an interesting article published in Forbes Magazine proposing an argument that writing with pen and paper in longhand is a powerful tool for learning, relaxation creativity and connection.

Stephen King purportedly wrote Dreamcatcher in longhand — using a Waterman cartridge pen. J. K. Rowling penned The Tales of Beedle the Bard — all 157 pages of it — in longhand, and the leather-bound tome sold for almost $4M at auction. F. Scott Fitzgerald did it, as did Hemingway, Kafka and countless others, each of whom had access to either a typewriter or, later, a computer. They all chose to put pen to paper and see where it took them. This is perhaps the true magic of a pen: It transports us to unexpected places, on wings that require no more than a timely shot of ink to keep them aloft, destination unknown. And in the process, the mindfulness writing engenders encourages calm and creativity. Here are three proven ways that handwriting is good for your brain…

1. Handwriting increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain, similar to meditation. According to a study performed at the Indiana University, the mere action of writing by hand unleashes creativity not easily accessed in any other way. And high-tech magnetic resonance imaging has indeed shown that low-tech writing by hand increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain much like meditation.

2. Handwriting sharpens the brain and helps us learn. Writing is good for keeping one’s grey matter sharp and may even influence how we think, as in “more positively,” studies show. Apparently sequential hand movements, like those used in handwriting, activate large regions of the brain responsible for thinking, language, healing and working memory.

3. Handwriting forces us to slow down and smell the ink. Another often-overlooked benefit of writing by hand is that it just plain forces us to slow down and enjoy the moment — a novelty in today’s world where immediacy reigns. Mindful writing rests the brain, potentially sparking creativity, according to neuroscientist, Dr. Claudia Aguirre.

Want to try it out? Book your spot today on our next six-week Creative Writing class aimed at beginners. It starts on Tuesday, April 17th. You will cover character, plot, structure, poetry and do lots of writing exercises in class. It’s guaranteed to have you scribbling your way through Spring! Read about our course here. Drop us a line – if you wish to book or if you want to ask any questions.