Weekend Retreat Journaling

During the weekend retreat we will introduce participants to the benefits of daily journaling. In our fast-paced world where everything happens so fast and life gets so busy, it is important to be able to process and analyse our own felt experience. There is so much emphasis on “treatment” or “cure” for this or that ailment, so when it comes to psychology we seem to have adopted the same approach. Somewhere a long the way, we have forgotten how valuable our own insight is – to ourselves. What is the famous quote of Socrates, “Know thyself”. The ability to inspect our own experience with pure compassion and no judgment at all – is one of the most vital self care tools we can hope to cultivate and it can carry you through the tough times and the good times. It is good to be able to record joy and happiness as well as learning about our own behaviour. Why this upset us? Why our feelings were hurt? How we react in certain situations. How we can change over the months and years. To return to The Power Of Me Weekend Retreat page, click here.

Weekend Retreat Manifesto Writing

During The Power Of Me weekend retreat we will write our own personal manifesto. You have heard this word before, no doubt. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto? It is a credo. Our personal manifesto is something like our mission statement. Most companies or organisations have a mission statement. A raison d’être. We, as humans can also have our own mission statement. It keeps us focused and often can give us some perspective and calm when things go awry. It can be good to look back over our written manifesto to clarify things. Our personal manifesto is a written document that puts into words our deepest feelings about ourselves, our purpose and our beliefs. What we stand for? What we are willing to accept or not to accept. What we feel we deserve. What we wish to see in the world, in our lives, in our partners’ or children’s lives. It is a record of our hopes, aspirations and dreams. To return to The Power Of Me Weekend Retreat page, click here.