We run acting workshops and beginners acting night courses in Dublin city centre throughout the year. Our adult acting classes are perfect for those looking to learn how to get into improvisation or acting. It is also for more experienced performers who may want to brush up on their skills before that big acting audition. Our acting for beginners programme is specifically designed to teach participants how to be more confident. Our tutors will act as your ‘confidence coach’ teaching you how to be confident on stage and in life. All of our Dublin night courses focus on improving confidence, creativity and communication and are delivered in a fun and welcoming environment.
Send us an email if you want to book your place or know more actthemaggot@gmail.com
No previous acting experience is required. Participants of the Beginners Acting Class Dublin will:
In our acting class you will learn how to become an actor
In our acting class you will learn how to gain confidence
In our acting class you will learn the principles of improvisation
Our acting class helps with low self esteem
You meet new people and have fun in Dublin
Our acting class helps you overcome public speaking anxiety
“Act the maggot took me to a place I haven’t been since I was a child. A place of pure joy. You meet great people from all walks of life and form firm friendships. I got to express myself in a way that I could never do in any conventional adult learning scenario and it made me feel like I was 10 feet tall.”
“I moved to Dublin last year and I was searching for night courses to meet new people. I found Act the Maggot and decided to give it a go. Amy and the team were extremely welcoming and encouraging I would highly recommend the course for anyone who wants to get out of their comfort zone.”
Next 6-Week Course Begins: January 30 to March 5, 2020
Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Location: Dublin city centre at the Dublin Cultural Institute, 34a Bachelor’s Walk, Dublin 1.
Price: €180.00
For all enquiries, call 01 4967021 or 087 374 4926 or email – actthemaggot@gmail.com
Attention all who want to act the maggot!!
Contact us right here

Act fast. Early Birds Act The Maggot. C’mon join the creative adults brigade. This class is an introduction to acting, voice & improvisation. We also incorporate some mindfulness techniques. It is fun, safe, sociable and only a little bit scary! It is tailored to suit people from all walks of life. We do not take ourselves seriously. The main aim is to chill out and Act The Maggot!! You are asked to wear comfy clothes, bring water & of course leave the place how you found it. The age range varies from 18 up to early 70s. Maggots seem to click and a quite few have stayed friends. Oh yes & two maggots fell in love the year before last… but dating agency this is not… We are serious about our relaxation and fun. If you don’t believe us…check the super feedback we have been getting on our Testimonials page. Also be sure to take a look at our Facebook, Twitter & both Pinterest1 Pinterest2 boards. G’wan. Spread your wings & fly. Spread the joy. Tiny companies need big mouths. If you have any other query, holler: actthemaggot@gmail.com or call 087 3744926 if you have not got all the info you require.
“WAH IS DA STARS… WAH IS DA STARS?” What is Ak Da Magga?!
See the Short Movie1 our favourite maggots made to show you what we do…….and another Short Movie2 …oh dear and another Short Movie3 we made. So much fun to make these. Costs a bit of money but it is great old craic!
To find out about what we do, See Act The Maggot TV interview aired on Tuesday March 15th, 2012 with DCTV’s Theatron Show hosted by Aoifa Kenny and filmed in their Temple Bar studios in Dublin. For those in a hurry, the Act The Maggot segment starts 3:38 mins in….
Scroll down for more info on beginners’ acting classes.
To Act The Maggot or not to Act The Maggot:)
Do you secretly harbour a passion to be the next Dame Edna?
Well, maybe not! How about Harvey Keitel or Sigourney Weaver then?
If you really want to Ak Da Magga – you better book your spot as we have a limit to class sizes and we must be doing something right cos there is mucho demando. Hurry! All beginners’ courses run on Thursday nights in Dublin city centre.
Beginners’ Acting Class. Our six-week course takes place in Chapterhouse, Middle Abbey Street. All acting classes happen Thursday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm – all drawing and creative writing classes happen on Tuesdays.
Act The Maggot – This class has been specially tailored to suit all types of beginners! It is aimed at absolute beginners – those who fancy having the craic and giving it a lash or who have done a bit of acting maybe in school or with a drama group. Hurry! Limited spaces. Don’t worry if there are no places left – these are ongoing six-week classes. Keep an eye out here or on www.facebook.com/ActTheMaggot for maggot news.
Act The Maggot places the emphasis on fun and breaking inhibitions. So if you’re already scared, Act The Maggot WANTS YOU!! The usual spiel you get in the corporate world is that acting is good for confidence-building or communication skills. Boring! So let’s play! While these classes will be fun, there is also a method and directive to make you a better actor. And sure, you’ll be more capable of yapping to a full auditorium at a presentation or speaking up confidently at meetings.
Hey, are there any places left on the course that starts on the 30th
Hi Holly – Yes there are. We have put on an extra class. Hop aboard! actthemaggot@gmail.com
Im currently looking to join a drama/acting group …. Can you tell me how much the course is ?
Hi Pauline, we sent you an email. Thanks for your query.