Mindfulness, resilience, diversity, inclusion, engagement, learning, community – these are the current buzzwords when it comes to healthy human resources. More and more, companies are realising they must engage, entertain and even enlighten good staff if they want to keep them. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: line drawing
Read fresh testimonials! Join us in 2018
“Act the Maggot was a wonderful addition to my week. I enjoyed every class and learned a lot as I let my creative side free. Thank you.”
“I was very satisfied with the level 1 acting course. It had what I was hoping for – taking me outside of my comfort zone, meeting fun people and having the craic.”
“It was fantastic, really well spread out and the increase in difficulty each week was great as it really took me out of my comfort zone.”
“It was brilliant. Fun and learned lots.”
“Enjoyed the experience, meeting lovely people in a playful environment.”
For more information on new beginners acting, drawing or creative writing classes in 2018, click on each hyperlink and drop us an email actthemaggot@gmail.com – Yes! There are places available. We will put on extra courses to satisfy demand. Happy Christmas one and all!
Draw your way into the New Year!
- Life drawing #pencil
- Life drawing #charcoal
- More portraits #pencil
- Imaginary plants!
- Imaginary characters
- Drawing from the imagination
Would you like to begin your new year in a fun, creative way? Have you ever wanted to get into drawing? Maybe you used to draw a lot and now everything is all done on computers and you feel removed? Want to get back to basics with pencil and paper? Do you want to develop a relaxing hobby? Do you need to develop storyboarding skills? Join our artist teacher and learn the rudiments of drawing in a chilled out group on Tuesday nights in Dublin city centre. This group will focus on line drawing, perspective, shading, still life and in true act the maggot vein will also have lots of fun drawing from the imagination. Click here if you want to read about our next beginners drawing course.
Five Good Reasons to take a drawing class.
1. Making art may reduce stress and anxiety.
2. Creating visual art improves connections in the brain.
3. Art making can help us get over sadness.
4. Mindless sketching can help focus.
5. Turning our problems into narratives can help us work through them.
If you want to read the full article on this subject click here
Sold Out!
Both Sept 14 Level 1 beginners acting class and Sept 7 Level 2 acting class are now completely full. The next Level 1 beginners acting class will run from Nov 2 to Dec 7. Contact us at actthemaggot@gmail.com to book your spot. Our Level 3 acting class will kick off Oct 19 and will finish on Nov 30. There will be another Level 2 class in March 2018. Booking is now open also for Tuesday night classes: Beginners Creative Writing (Sept 26), Beginners Drawing (Sept 26) and Beginners Screenwriting (Oct 3). Get looking and get booking maggots. Places fill fast.
Take a look at our Testimonials
Beginners Acting for Adults, Beginners’ Creative Writing and Beginners’ Drawing. Why do people Act The Maggot? What do they think about their experience? Take a look at some more testimonials.
“It was a brilliant experience for me. Somedays I felt very tired going to class and came skipping out. It felt a very safe platform to try out acting as a beginner while also encourging you to go outside your comfort zone. It was a great way to meet new people with plenty of opportunities to get to know people outside of the class also. People were from different walks of life which was lovely and added to the whole experience.”
I loved the course. I revived my thirst for writing. I went into the course with an idea I had started writing about. It was due to our “non-compulsory” homework for the course that a TV show proposal I wrote ended up getting commissioned by a TV station. Everyone had different interests which is what make it so much fun and it was really laid back. Couldn’t recommend it more to get you creative juices flowing. I did it for the crack and it delivered big time.”
“I really enjoyed the different backgrounds and different ages of participants and that it was focused on people with no acting experience. It took a lot of pressure off doing the course. Some of the exercises were very interesting like the mindfulness have encouraged me to research more into that area as well. It’s very good. A friend of mine has signed up to it recently as well.”
“It is fun, creative, easy going but with just the right amount of challenge to keep it interesting and really worth going going back to each week. I found it great for my self confidence and well being to speak in front of others and to be creative, play and use imagination in the company of like minded people while being facilitated by someone who ensured it was safe and fun.”
This Scottish three-year-old rocks
If you haven’t met Isla Nelson yet you are in for a treat. Her comedian Dad gives us her take on everything from Celebrity Culture to Easter to Valentines Day. Enjoy!
Drawing is thinking…..
So when did you stop drawing? Want to start again? Join a class of absolute beginners for six fun weeks in Temple Bar. Have a read of this article here on the Cognitive Benefits of Doodling Click on the link if you want to know more about our next beginners drawing class Join us April 25!
Five good reasons to get Drawing with Act The Maggot
1. Pleasure
Your teacher Alexander Reilly is a gifted artist and experienced teacher. This is one of his drawings here. It is fun to try something new. Get our of your comfort zone. Meet new people. What could be better than being able to fill an empty page and bring our thoughts and musings to life? Drawing is fun, and should be enjoyed.
2. Relaxation and Mental Attitude
Some people feel most at ease when drawing. Drawing is often used for therapy and stress relief. Creating something from nothing also makes us feel productive, and that helps us feel good about ourselves. Being present in the moment and focused during a drawing session can be a feeling akin to meditation. We only get down on ourselves during a drawing if we let our ego get in the way and try to compete with others or ourselves.
3. Coordination
If you play basketball, you develop hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills. Drawing works the same way, except for your fine motor skills. The more you practice drawing, the better you get, and the better your hand, eyes, and brain can harmonize together. Your hands become an instrument to help you record the world around you.
4. Cerebral Benefits.
Drawing helps our brains grow. It is so easy to be distracted by social media and our digital devices. Our brains get a temporary endorphin release from these diversions, and it is easy to devote a large amount of time to them. Unfortunately, this can make us less industrious in our free time. Drawing is a great release, and because we are using our brain while we are drawing, we build new connections and pathways in our brain. Both sides of the brain actively participate, as the left side is responsible for logical thinking and the right supplies the creativity. As a result, our brains grow.
5. Visualisation.
Drawing helps us to map out mental images of the world we see around us. This is helpful for numerous reasons. We can map out plans, diagrams, and concepts for what we want to bring into the world, or we can make images of how a system works. Visual aids often help us comprehend large amounts of data that our brain cannot understand through numbers or words alone. On the more emotional side, drawing allows the creator to open one’s expressive vents and let emotion become recorded in the marks of your drawing. Often feelings are too complex for us to understand, and art helps record and express them.
Read more about our upcoming Beginners’ Drawing class in Temple Bar. Email us at acthemaggot@gmail.com for booking/queries.